"The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings."
~ Eric Hoffer
I'm practicing a simple yet effective technique to remain (mostly) in a state of gratefulness. All one needs is a moment to be still, a piece of paper and a pen.
Now list 50 aspects/events/people/items you are grateful for. This exercise doesn't call for a psychoanalysis based on what you listed, its sole purpose is to move you into a space of being more appreciative.
And it makes sense in a way since standing firmly in gratitude is the key to aligning oneself with ones dreams, goals and aspirations.
I like to think of it as seeing and thanking. Seeing and acknowledging the good in your life and being thankful for your blessings.
My first attempt at this exercise went all dandy until I reached point 26. Blank!
Unable to think of anything else it took me a minute or so to start thinking of different aspects of my life and all of a sudden my view on what I was grateful for was slightly altered - in a positive way.
In my case the mundane becomes magical. I found myself being grateful for even the
hard times since it allowed me space and opportunity to grow.
Today, I keep my list saved on my desktop and make a point of reading through it every few days.
So start counting. By the end of your list you might have discovered more than you thought was possible.