To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power (and destruction). ~ Maya Angelou
My first few days of 2011 were spent in quiet reflection brought on by the tiding of my mother’s passing. I could not help but feel a very deep sadness shrouding me. This despite our mutual agreement many moons ago to go our separate ways.
If you can indulge me I would describe this emotion as almost primal in its effectiveness to penetrate to the core of my being. It sort of caught me by surprise as I’ve been working constructively through our “breakup” for almost fifteen years. I say constructive as I don’t believe in pity parties – neither participating nor hosting them…
But back to my point! It took me a solid 24 hours to journey from feeling a bit lost to acknowledging the feelings and turning it into something with dare I say, a playful edge.
Construction paper, glue, pens and a pair of scissors took the sadness and transformed it into a colourful poster crammed with memories of Rika. It was almost critical for me to lock in these memories on paper as she was after all the woman who brought me into this world. She gave me my name and taught me some of the most important life lessons imaginable.
The paper trail led me from how I imagined her as a little girl (based on what she shared with me) to activities I recall that would bring a smile to her face. Gardening, fabulous books, dancing and good music – always music.
One crammed page later I found myself working on another one – this one to honour all the wise and sassy women I am blessed to have in my life.
Ma Janie, who nurtured Ettienne and I. Thank you for mending broken wings and hearts.
Fabulous aunties Lena and Marietjie, for taking me into their respective homes and treating me like a child of their own.
Hannapat for loving my father and bringing a twinkle to his eyes. Thank you, thank you, and thank you.
Ma Sarie for all the hugs, countless cups of Rooibos tea and sharing her son with me, whom I love with all my heart.
Monika/i-MM for inspiring me with her zest for life and appreciation of the extraordinary. I appreciate you tremendously, Mon.
Mother and daughter team de force Ma Piet and Sproetpoep. How I love the two of you. Our recent meeting in Cape Town did me wonders.
Heloise my gorgeous girlfriend with a gigantic heart. You are forever sharing and I learn so much from you.
My sister Roberta, memories of the mischief we shared never fail to bring a smile to my face.
Shantel, super yummy mommy who makes motherhood look so rewarding. You set a wonderful example.
Nicole my goddess friend - out of this world you are. Appreciate you always.
My kleinsus Jana - my darling, your love for my brother is so strong it is palpable. I’m looking forward to sharing many more soulful discussions with you.
And last but certainly not least for her actions sculpted me in so many ways – Rika, my mother. I would not have chosen anyone else but you to prepare me for this world. Thank you for making me receptive for these wise and loving women in my life – if it was not for you I would not have attracted them.
Ma Rika, your funeral took place 35 years later to the hour of the birth of your eldest child – me.
Thank you for bringing me into this world.