I was invited along with Kevin Lim to judge at the CrossFit Games 2012 in Carson, CA.
(Talk about an unexpected e-mail :)
My best friend Heloise and JOD came to visit in Singapore - how much fun can four people have at Universal Studios. Plenty! I have photos to prove it.
I played model for a morning and the result was a four page spread in the local Shape magazine. We had a blast despite me being camera shy.
...and then my brother in Johannesburg decided to get married. A whirlwind of a trip to South Africa and a lovely, intimate wedding filled with countless special moments I'll cherish in my heart forever. She's a lucky girl, Ettienne.
Every now and then a person with soul depth crosses one's path. At times, not always, the crossing of paths leads to a reawakening in some way. This of course can be gentle or literally rock your world.
My world is rocked and I am compelled to share to this with you...