A quest for getting inspired and remaining blissfully so in the hectic world we live in.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Letting go of self-limitation.
I've been doing a fair amount of pondering on the idea of self-limitation and it's impact on our actions and consequently our choices in life. Why do we limit ourselves thus turning into our own nemeses? Are we that petrified of injury or insult to our physical body, psyche and PRIDE? Are we really that vulnerable and weak? As always fear darkens our view and from there it's down hill all the way if you ask me.
The flip side though is far more appealing and empowering. How about focusing on what we can gain by breaking the suffocating mould we define as our "real self". Can you imagine the benefits we can reap within our communities the moment individuals start operating from a more open-minded position? Now, that is something to get excited about.
This all sounds very warm and fuzzy. How does one take the idea and assimilate it into something tangible.
I'm a firm believer in baby steps and for the next couple of weeks my tools to overcome my self-limiting ideas will be:
- Say yes instead of no. Instead of thinking about the hundred and one tasks on my to-do list and declining social invitations I am going to accept each and every one of them for the next few weeks (that's until I fall over from exhaustion). Who knows what new opportunities might present itself when I become more accepting.
- Stand back and look at the BIG picture. Just how minute are these personal fears of mine on a global scale. Are my fears really valid or am I just comfortable coming up with excuses.
- Don't play the "could've, would've, should've" game. Accept where I am now and realise that it's good enough. I'm not going to be happier or more outgoing once I've dropped five pounds or have super straight silky hair. Stay in the moment, you already have all the tools you need to face today.
- Be a warrior. Put a smile on that gorgeous face and just do it. Jump into the uncomfortable moments with gusto and savour them. After the first attempt it all becomes easier.
- Come up with a personal mantra. The story of "the Little engine that could" comes to mind here. "I know I can, I know I can."
Be inspired.