Don't worry - this post is not as lustful as the header suggests.
I read the other day that the quality of ones communication is directly related to your quality of life and vice versa. After thinking it through I must say that I wholly agree.
Personally speaking, quality of life, besides a full belly and security is about the state of relationships with the people one interacts with every day. These include loved ones, colleagues, the homeless man on the street. Whether these relations are in constant tension or mostly peaceful is an indication of the quality of your life. What kind of mirror are you?
Do you reflect compassion or annoyance through the way you interact with others?
We all have a friend who can speak to almost anyone. A person who makes friends and acquaintances wherever they go. The kind of person who touches your heart and leaves you feeling upbeat.
In stark contrast I know a number of people too who tend to say the wrong
thing all the time. Unknowingly (let's give them the benefit of the doubt) they would heap insults on the hostess of the party or rant and rave endlessly about nothing. A true drama queen.
Those who are more skilled at expressing their wishes, needs, wants and desires have a much greater chance of fulfilling these. Of course great communication is only effective when you talk to the right person but we won't go there today. Let's keep it simple by assuming we know who our audience is.
That's where being a HOT talker comes in.
H - Heartfelt.Be sincere, take time to consider the impact of your words on others.
O - Open. How open are you to others opinions? It never hurts to listen.
T - Truthful and trustworthy.