Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 8 - The Magic Ingredient.

Still on the topic of Rhonda Byrne's "The Magic".

What a wonderful day. I started reading Rhonda's book on March 8th and one of my first tasks was to list down my wishes, desires, wants, likes, dreams etc. Top of my list on that day was to obtain a Muscle Up. Those nearest and dearest to me know that CrossFit training takes up a huge chunk of my life...hence the desire for that elusive Muscle Up. 

Elusive the past eighteen months until today that is :)

I arrived early at the gym this morning planning on running five x 400m's. So I did my usual warm up and Tom then talked me into trying a muscle up. My coach had me chipping away at skills and drills for Muscle Ups for what feels like forever. The man's a Saint for having so much patience with me.f Thank you Coach Kevin.

Anyway, for some reason all the hard work paid off this morning and voila it happened. Jumping for joy is an understatement. Have a look and see:

But back to today's write-up on the Magic and the importance of being grateful for the "simple things" such as food and drink. The act of giving thanks for that what you are about to consume and as a result, how the Observer Effect comes into the equation.

More on the Observer Effect in the clip below.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 7 - The Magical Way out of Negativity.

Still on the topic of Rhonda Byrne's "The Magic".

"Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful."
~ Gautama Buddha

Hmmm. Today's challenge. Put your thinking cap on, pick one current issue or prickly situation you'd like to resolve, and...look for ten things to be grateful for. 
Yep, you read right. Grab that stylo & paper and pen down 10 things that are not that bad in your chosen situation.

I had a bit of a frustrating day with one miscommunication after the other. The easy option was to get my sorry self home and collapse on the coach with a bowl of ice-cream. Far more enriching though was my decision to rather do this exercise for it certainly turned my negative state around. Even better yet is my renewed sense of seeking for solutions, opportunities and possibilities as opposed to feeling stymied by my perceived limitations.

And all of a sudden the heart opened :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 6 - Works like Magic.

Still on the topic of Rhonda Byrne's "The Magic".

All about feeling deep gratitude for your job, day-job, moonlighting job, odd job - you name it!

I found this chapter particularly interesting from a business owner's perspective. The moment one stops being grateful for business and the energy starts shifting to worries about overheads etc. you risk the possibility of being caught in a downward spiral. Been there, done that :(

I remember many a dreadful evening at my guesthouse in Zanzibar during the period just after 9/11. Tourism dropped by 70% on the island itself and all I could focus on was how BAD business was.

Took me a few weeks to realise the potential in catering to the local populace instead. Sure it was trial and error, but after the first local band played at the restaurant the daily grind seemed worthwhile again. Once my energy levels were high again the tide turned towards revenue instead of loss...profits were in sight again soon enough.

Onwards, upwards. Always!

Day 5 - Magic Money.

Still on the topic of Rhonda Byrne's "The Magic".

"Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty."
I couldn't agree more with Christian Hymnal. Even more so in view of the latest global financial crisis. 

Rhonda takes an interesting approach here by asking you to think back to your childhood and all the things you received Sure, your parents or caretakers paid but essentially you received it free of charge.

Only in counting these blessings does one start to realize just how much there is to be grateful for. I thoroughly enjoyed the few minutes I set aside for this exercise.

Another top tip - and this note I see now whenever I open my wallet now - is a little post-it note on a banknote to remind you of your "riches".
Mine reads: "Thank you for all the money and riches I've been given throughout my Life!"

A simple but potent reminder that all is well :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

High Altitude Radiation and other fun things...

Phew! As in a huge PHEW!
It's been awfully quiet my side and I owe you quite a few posts on the "the Magic".

Been traveling to Denver for a CF Kids course and now that I'm safe and sound in Singapore again it's time to pick up where I left of.

Day 5 on Magic Money coming at you later today :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 4 - Magical Health

Still on the topic of Rhonda Byrne's "The Magic".

Ironic how we only consider our health when we don't feel that great...

How about flipping the coin and actually giving thanks for your health. Just think of it. Your feet and legs take you places, your arms and hands write, dress and caress. The list goes on and on. 
...and don't forget your senses. For one, I'm totally unable to imagine my world without my sense of smell.

Take stock my friend and say Thank you :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 3 - Magical Relationships

Still on the topic of Rhonda Byrne's "The Magic".

All about how your daily interactions with others provide meaning, pleasure and purpose to your life.
Choose three people you'd love to improve your relationship with and get your hands on a pic of them (with you or alone).

Grab your journal and stylo and individually starting with a "Thank you" and their name put it down on paper what you are most grateful for having this person in your life. Repeat this five times for each loved one you chose in your top three.

Also, carry the pics of your three precious peeps with you for the day - just a reminder of the wonderful and close connections you have with your nearest and dearest.

...and feel the LOVE :)

Day 2 - The Magic Rock

Still on the topic of Rhonda Byrne's "The Magic".

Those who have seen "The Secret" will be familiar with Lee Brower's gratitude rock practice. The long and the short of it is that one uses a rock/pebble/stone as a reminder that you have much to feel grateful for. 

Since viewing the Secret a number of years ago I've made it a habit to look out for smooth pebbles during my travels. Thus far, my favourite is a smooth volcanic rock I picked up in Bali, on the gorgeous Tulamben beach after a lovely scuba diving experience. Every time I hold this rock in the palm of my hand I relive that exhilarating moment of emerging from the surf feeling one with Nature and all her splendour.

For this particular practice you'll use your personal magic rock as a reminder at night before you go to bed of the highlight of your day. The best thing that happened today, in other words. 

Give thanks and then drift off to sleep.


Friday, March 09, 2012

Day 1 - Count your Blessings

Still on the topic of Rhonda Byrne's "The Magic".

Day 1 is all about counting your blessings and realizing just how much you have to be grateful for.
Simple, yet effective.

List 10 things/people/even events you are grateful for and why.

Reread your list, really feel the gratitude and slowly something starts unfolding within.
...and so the transformation starts.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

The Magic by Rhonda Byrne

"Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."
~ Roald Dahl

Oh wow! A follow-up to "The Secret" and an absolute must read. This book actually takes you from just reading to doing instead and that says a lot.

Once again as with "The Secret" the Magic kicks off with a passage from a holy scripture. This time, the Gospel of Matthew. Without giving too much away, suffice to say the key to leading a full and satisfying life is GRATITUDE. And so the 28 journey starts. 28 Days to learn as many magical practices to turn your life around. Life changing could read as a more rewarding life too - whichever way you choose to view the proverbial glass. Half full, half empty?

I'll be sharing each day's lesson over the next 28 days.
Because sharing is caring :)

Friday, March 02, 2012

Oh the rage!


A Poem

Rage. Rage. Lightning burst and blind. Thunder
rage and crush, crack earth; explosion and crevasse.
Thrash tree, twist and fall; rock like finest china blast.
Rage, wind, rage. Shake foundations, split air and ear.
Bundled staves of forces fling at earth and man.
Crows and ravens flail, plow raging, earthen air,
grow weary, finally quail to quaking ground
for respite from fierce bitterness;
wet-eyed owls abandon swivel-headed dignity
in frantic search of sheltered stump,
deep hole darker than the darker night.
All crouch, cower, beg and fall, bend double
under fear, seek refuge any slightest slit might yield.
He stood and raged – raged! – deafened by blear enfilade,
lightning might throughout the demon-studded night;
raised silvered threat of fist to god, and shook
the centers of the world with outrage and defiance.
He leaped and shouted at the storm, raged at rage,
joined, united with the rage; out-raged the rage
bolt for bolt, when flamed by bolt and turned to ash...
then raged – raged! – in god's hard face,
undeterred, undiminished, unabashed.
Copyright by Don Gray