Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 2 - The Magic Rock

Still on the topic of Rhonda Byrne's "The Magic".

Those who have seen "The Secret" will be familiar with Lee Brower's gratitude rock practice. The long and the short of it is that one uses a rock/pebble/stone as a reminder that you have much to feel grateful for. 

Since viewing the Secret a number of years ago I've made it a habit to look out for smooth pebbles during my travels. Thus far, my favourite is a smooth volcanic rock I picked up in Bali, on the gorgeous Tulamben beach after a lovely scuba diving experience. Every time I hold this rock in the palm of my hand I relive that exhilarating moment of emerging from the surf feeling one with Nature and all her splendour.

For this particular practice you'll use your personal magic rock as a reminder at night before you go to bed of the highlight of your day. The best thing that happened today, in other words. 

Give thanks and then drift off to sleep.
